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  • Sonali

Hair Rebonding at Salon Nayana Sri Lanka: The Struggle is Real, But So Are The Results

Understanding Hair Rebonding

If you're looking to tame frizzy, curly, or wavy hair, hair rebonding may be the perfect solution for you. This increasingly popular treatment promises smooth, straight locks that are easier to style and maintain. But with any beauty treatment, there can be concerns and questions. At Salon Nayana, located in Colombo, Sri Lanka, we understand the concerns you may have. We know that you may be worried about hair damage, long term results, or the cost of the service. That's why we've put together a guide to help you understand what hair rebonding is, how it's done at our salon, and why it's worth it.

First of all, it's important to understand what hair rebonding is. It's a chemical treatment that changes the structure of the hair, making it straight. The process can take several hours depending on the length of hair, but the end result is hair that is smooth, silky and easy to style. And don't worry, we use professional products and technologies to minimize any damage to your hair.

Addressing Common Doubts and Concerns

We know that you have many doubts and concerns about hair rebonding. Some of the most common ones are:

  • Will it damage my hair?

  • How long will the results last?

  • How much will it cost?

Don't worry, we're here to address all of those concerns. Hair rebonding can be done safely and professionally with the right products and techniques. At salon Nayana, our stylists will use specially formulated products and follow industry-approved procedures to ensure that your hair is safe and the results last as long as possible. And as for the cost, we believe that you shouldn't have to sacrifice quality for price. We offer hair rebonding starting at Rs 12,000, which we believe is a great value for the high-quality service you will receive. And remember, hair rebonding is an investment in your hair, which can help you look and feel your best.

How Hair Rebonding is done at Salon Nayana

At Salon Nayana, our trained and experienced stylists are dedicated to providing you with the best possible service. They will assess your hair type and recommend the best treatment for you. During the treatment, the stylist will apply a solution to the hair, which will be neutralized and then blow-dried and flat ironed. The end result is smooth, straight hair that will last for several months, depending on the type of hair and the maintenance of the hair.

Hair Rebonding at affordable pricing and Convenient locations

At Salon Nayana, we know that cost is always a consideration when it comes to beauty treatments. We are committed to providing you with the highest quality service, with highly trained staff and high-quality products at a reasonable price. Prices for hair rebonding in Colombo, Sri Lanka can vary, but our prices start at Rs 12,000. We have branches in Kolpetty, Kohuwala, Mount Lavinia, Ja-Ela, and Kotahena for your convenience, so you can choose the most convenient location for you.

How to book your hair rebonding appointment?

Ready to take the first step towards beautiful, healthy hair? We encourage you to book a hair rebonding treatment at Salon Nayana. You can visit one of our branches in Kolpetty, Kohuwala, Mount Lavinia, Ja-Ela, or Kotahena to book your appointment in person or give us a call to make an appointment over the phone. Our phone numbers for each location are:

  • Kolpetty: 0112554870

  • Kohuwala: 0112823265

  • Mount Lavinia: 0112714564

  • Ja-Ela: 0112248809

  • Kotahena: 0112441088

We look forward to helping you achieve the hair of your dreams!

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